Monday, June 23, 2008

Reasons for Divorce: Save the Marriage - Stop the Divorce

So your wondering how to save your delicate marriage, and prevent those forsaken words... "We need a divorce" The words all couples fear. But don't worry, with my tips you would be amazed at how many couples relationships were actually saved due to my tips and techniques!

The tips I get you were held tightly with marriage counselors, the information has now been leaked to the public and anyone, and everyone can use these techniques to better their marriage!

Marriage Tip #1
Ok, sit down, grab a 2 pieces of paper along with 2 pens or pencils. This is going to be very important, you will want to ask your spouse to sit down with you and start writing down the differences, and problems in the relationship. Do this for a half an hour or so. Once this is done read it off, and try to talk about every single problem. This will solve a lot of problems quickly, and all at once.

Marriage Tip #2
After all of you're problems have been talked about, or resolved go ahead and try to get out of the house with your spouse. Take them somewhere special, somewhere you don't usually go, and try to have as much fun with them as you can. Remember this is really important to bond during this step!

These two steps alone will progress you very quickly in the right direction to staying with your spouse, and becoming happier with each other. Rinse and repeat these two steps to really achieve optimal success!

Learn great tips and techniques on how to save a marriage, even if you think it's too late!

Finally a guide can help you get your marriage back on track. The Magic Of Making Up has helped over 5100 couples in over 26 countries keep their relationships going. How about you become a statistic today!

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Reasons for Divorce: What Should I Do to Plan For a Divorce?

Divorce is not an easy process and more often than not is painful for all the concerned parties. Emotional stakes of divorce soar if there are minor children in the mix, however, you can prevent the emotional and financial roller coaster ride, which makes up the divorce by planning in advance for your divorce. Look at the pros and cons and plan accordingly.

Learn about the Procedure

One of the first things that you must do is that you must know about the process of divorce. For this, it's best that you get in touch with a domestic relations lawyer who know in the ins and outs of divorce proceedings and will help you understand your rights under the divorce law of the particular State that you are residing in.

Hire an Attorney

You must hire the perfect attorney to represent you during the divorce proceedings. Things can get a bit messy during divorce and you need the right advice at the right time. Matters which are hotly contested during a divorce can be resolved in your favor if you hire an astute lawyer. More importantly, you must choose an attorney who is familiar with all the processes involving a divorce.

Tell the Children

If your children are old enough to understand, you must keep them in the loop. It must not be a shock to them to see that their parents have separated and they now will have to live with either their mother or their father. You must keep talking to your kids, to ease the transition process for both yourself and the kids.


Start planning to live a life with your own finances. You earlier might have contributed in equal measure for the upkeep of the home and various other expenses. You now have to go it alone. Moreover it's important that you have an in-depth idea about your current financial status and the kind of money that you want with regards to a divorce settlement.

Moreover, you must have a clear idea as to what are the monetary concessions that you are willing to give your wife. You will have to share your assets with her and vice versa. You must decide your own limit for the same.

Write Down the Details

Nail down the details in written form. It's easy to forget about some of the minute details that you might have remembered at a particular period of time. Just jot down all that you remember or want to remember in a separate sheet or diary. If you want to you can discuss some of these things with your partner and agree upon them. This would lead to a minimization of arguments later on, when the divorce proceedings are underway.

Don't Berate the Spouse

This never helped anybody. Whatever you impressions of your partners, you must never choose to disparage her or him in front of your kids. Your problems must not percolate to the children. Keep them to yourself and help your child have a healthy relationship with the mother and the father.

Don't Let it Affect You

Make sure that the decision you have taken won't affect your peace of mind in the long run. If you think that you have taken the decision in haste, there might still be time to work it out.

Dealing with the divorce is difficult but fortunately there is a great resource to help men cope with the divorce. Find it here.

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Reasons for Divorce: Should I Let My Wife Keep Our Home?

Before or during the divorce proceedings, you as the husband might need to make an important decision. This decision would be regarding the home and whether you should let your wife keep it or not. Of course, many a times, this decision is taken away from you by the courts; however, there are cases when the decision is left on the husband.

Here are a few reasons why you might think about letting you wife keep the home that you might both have owned.

For the Larger Interests of the Family

It makes sense to let your wife keep your home, if she has been awarded the custody of your kids and has no other home to go to. You will realize that your home is like a calming refuge in a sea of uncertainty when you are splitting with your wife. Moreover, if your kids have been born and brought up there, it makes sense that they continue to reside there, when the other option is to provide a new house for your wife and kids.

The Mortgage

There might be a case, wherein, you might not be able to pay the mortgage of your existing home alone. Why? You might have bought another home or your financial condition might not allow you to pay the mortgage all on your own. If you wife can do the needful then you can think about letting your wife keep the home.

Also, the fact remains that today the interest rates are not as high as before and your wife can choose to take the refinance options and buy out your share of the equity in the house.

The Up-Keep Costs

Your post divorce budget might not be able to pay the upkeep costs of your home. Before you take a decision in this regard, you must give a thought to all the monthly bills like gas, electricity, sewer, and water bills. Moreover, there are other costs like snow removal, upkeep of wall, maintenance of the house-hold accessories etc that will also go a long way in increasing your month's upkeep costs.

If you think that that such costs will be too much for you to bear, then its best to give the home to your wife, if she thinks she can bear the costs.

The Tax Implications

You should look at the tax implication before you make a decision. In the end, your decision in this regards, must make financial sense. If you take out the emotional quotient, you are left with the financial quotient. This must be the parameter on which you must decide whether you let your wife keep the home or not.

Taxes are a kind of expense that is not under your control at all. Property taxes will continue to rise and do not expect them to go down. The increase of property taxes is directly proportional to the increase in the value of property. Many state and county laws require that a reassessment of the property value is done on a periodic basis.

However, the good news as far as taxes are concerned is the fact there will be mortgage interest deduction most of the times. Again, we repeat the point, if you can't afford the taxes you might think about letting your wife keep the house.

Dealing with the divorce is difficult but fortunately there is a great resource to help men cope with the divorce. Find it here.

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Reasons for Divorce: What Tax Issues Will I Have When I Get the Divorce?

Divorce will obviously have a few tax consequences. The fact is that, when the partners were both married, they might have filed the tax returns jointly, but now, after separation, they might have to file returns as single tax payers for a period of time till they are married again. They will be faced with different filing statuettes as the rates will change and this will also affect the standard deduction amounts.

Before the Divorce

Even before the divorce is finalized, you might feel the pinch of the tax implications. Even during the process of divorce, couples these days, choose to file for separate returns. The implication of this on your financial status is that your savings will go down as joint returns have a lower tax liability. However, there are occasions when the filing of separate returns has a better tax result for a divorced couple.

The Value of Dependants

Even children have an effect on the tax issues. Herein, tax considerations also get more complicated. If you have dependents, then it provides the filter for an immediate subtraction from the taxable income of a parent. This would lead to a saving of thousands of dollars over years. You must also take into consideration the fact that such tax breaks are allowed only when the dependent will meet all the IRS eligibility requirements in this regard.
Other tax breaks in this regard include, amongst others, dependent care credit, educational deductions, child tax credits etc.

The Assessment of Assets

When undertaking the divorce proceeding, you must realize one thing. Your assets are going to get divided. Even if you have done the investment in your name, there is a chance that your wife will get an equal share of that investment. Also, from joint assets, you will now go towards single ownerships. As can be imagined, there are tax issues herein. If you have set your sights on a particular asset during the divorce settlement, it's important that you just don't look at its dollar value. You must also have a thorough understanding of the tax implications and only if you can afford those, must you make your choice.

Spousal Support

Alimony is tax deductible for the person who is paying, whether it is the wife or the husband. However, whoever receives the payment; needs to pay tax on the amount. It is advisable that both the parties maintain complete and accurate records as to the payments made with regards to alimony. The payments and receipts are used to ascertain the amount of tax that is deductible and the amount of tax that must be paid.

The requisite documentation will go a long way in solving all your tax problems and issues. The tax issues regarding divorce are something that you must be wary of before you start your divorce proceedings. You must consult a tax expert for this purpose and be well versed with all the knowledge about tax deductions. When it comes to a divorce you must be prepared on all accounts.
Tax issues will dictate a person financial status after divorce. You must be well aware of what you can afford so as to make the correct decision during divorce settlements.

Dealing with the divorce is difficult but fortunately there is a great resource to help men cope with the divorce. Find it here.

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Reasons for Divorce: Should I Deny Visitation to My Kids?

After a long divorce battle, you have finally won custody of your kids? However, as a father, you are faced with a major problem. Should you deny visitation rights to the mother of your kids? This is not because you don't want your kids to meet their mother but the fact that the mother has a history of problems, which have affected the kids.

An Abusive Mother

There are cases when the mother has been abusive to the kids and this could have taken the form of physical or mental abuse. In such cases, it makes sense to deny the mother visitation rights as any further contact with such a person, would only harm your kids in one form or the other. However, if you still want the kids to meet their mother you can make sure they that they do under due supervision by either yourself or some one else.

An Alcoholic Mother

As a husband, you know that your wife was an alcoholic. This might also be the reason why you sought divorce from her. Also, now you don't want your kids to associate themselves with a woman whose actions and life is dominated by the imbibing of alcohol. If such is the case, then you can, without any doubts whatsoever, deny the mother visitation rights. You can also take the help of the Courts to enforce this decision.

Drug Abusive Mother

You would want your kids to stay away from drugs. What about a mother who has history of drug abuse and who, you think, is still onto them? Definitely Not! You must think very carefully about whether you want to offer her visitation rights to see her kids. Moreover, you should make it a point that she can only see her children if she is clean with regards to the intake of drugs.

The Previous History

The previous history of the family life will also dictate whether you want to deny visitation rights to the mother of your kids. There are times when a mother does not really care about the children and their nurturing. If they are career oriented women, sometimes, they are only interested in their professional life and nothing else. At times, some women don't like the prospect of having kids, and feel like they are a burden. If you have noticed any of these things about your ex-wife and have recognized a kind of unfeeling or uncaring attitude towards your kids, then it makes no sense to give her visitation rights.

At the end of the day you can deny visitation rights but as a good father, you must take the wishes of your children into consideration. If they are old enough to understand that the parents won't be living together, then they should also be given some kind of say in the matter. If you don't allow their mother to visit them, you might come across as being insensitive in their eyes. Single fathers have to do a good bit of tight rope walking in this regard.

As a father, you must understand that it's no longer about the wife and you, but about your children and their relationship with their mother. Their wishes will have to be taken into account, even if you have no legal obligation to do so.

Dealing with the divorce is difficult but fortunately there is a great resource to help men cope with the divorce. Find it here.

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Reasons for Divorce: Why Pay a Lawyer? Get a Cheap Divorce

How hard is it to get a Do-It-Yourself Divorce? Of course, it will vary, from state to state but after assisting my daughter going through the process, I can say first hand, it was relatively easy. At least that's what we have found here in Texas.

After an internet research, we found books with actual legal forms available for approximately twenty-five dollars. The "How-To" book was state specific. What did the process involve? The divorce required little more than a computer, a bit of skill using MS Word and time to read and follow instructions to complete the forms?

The first document was the "initial filing" known as a "Petition". Once completed, you, the Petitioner, take the document to the County Clerk's office where it is assigned a number then registered as temporary orders establishing custody, support, etc. This filing cost approximately $250 in Texas. The clerk will provide a list of any additional actions required by the judge, county or state such as parenting classes.

The next step is notifying the soon to be EX now identified as the Respondent. The process can be accomplished by a peace officer serving the papers (costing approximately $150) or the Petitioner hand delivering the papers and the Respondent signing a Waiver in front of a notary stating they have been notified. A word of caution, those signing the Waiver should read and understand what they are about to sign. The Waiver is then filed at the County Clerk's office by the Petitioner. At that point a 60 day waiting period is required in Texas. That may vary from state to state.

If the Respondent has signed the Waiver their responsibility in the divorce process is complete. The additional documents will be completed by the Petitioner and after the Decree has been presented, signed by the judge, and filed, the Respondent will get a copy with the final orders from the court.

Completing the Decree is time consuming and involves several "Exhibits" in spite of even the most limited of assets. Some of the documents included are relating to child custody, child support, visitation, division of assets, debt responsibility, and taxes. The key is to read carefully. Visit each of the sample "Exhibits" and complete the ones that apply to your specific situation. The book we used provided captions for each of the required information fields and we stepped through the completion in a matter of about eight hours.

Once the Decree is completed and both parties have agreed to the content, the papers are filed at the County Clerk's office. If the Respondent has signed the Waiver their signature is not required to file the Decree. The Petitioner moves forward with little or no interaction with the Respondent. Again, take the Decree and all supporting documents or "Exhibits" required by the specific situation. Refer to any additional provisions stipulated by the court when the Petition was files. Make sure all appropriate actions have been taken.

Again, there may be a wait of several days before an actual court date is scheduled. In our county, my daughter had to show up at the county clerk's office to sign up for court at a predetermined time and wait her turn.

In my daughter's case, her soon to be EX was the one suggesting divorce. She agreed and basically kept the process rolling. The EX signed the Waiver and the rest was handled without any additional involvement from him. Child support guidelines for each state will differ but it is a percentage of a base salary. The judge will determine if the Respondent's financial obligation listed in the Decree is within the guidelines. With supporting financials, the judge accepted the amount entered in the case of my daughter's Decree.

The final hearing in front of the judge was brief, not more than twenty minutes. The judge gave my daughter a "cheat sheet" She read through the script inserting names as appropriate. The judge reviewed the Decree, asked a few questions and signed it.

That was it, a divorce for $250. The county clerk will notify the Ex at the address he gave on the waiver. My daughter is now ready to begin her new life as a free woman.

Reasons for Divorce: How to Save a Marriage

With marriages in the modern world today it can be extremely hard to keep a marriage going, support the kids, work a steady job, and still have time for your lover. Many couples begin to see themselves grow apart from one another at this point. This is when you need to imply these special tips and techniques that will help you to stay close to your lover, and how to save a marriage before it gets to far away to grasp!

How To Save A Marriage Tip #1
Be very social with your spouse and always surprise them with interesting things. They will usually love this and will defiantly let them know you care.

How To Save A Marriage Tip #2
Take time away from the kids, the job, and everything else that is extremely stressful. Relax, take a big breath, and go enjoy life with your spouse. Things like movies, dinner, or the mall are great places to go to relax and let loose!

How To Save A Marriage Tip #3
As ironic as it sounds, give your lover some space. Just like you they need personal time to get things of their own done and want their own peaceful time. Taking the kids out, or just leaving the house for a bit will really show that you care for your spouse and will help to save your marriage.

How To Save A Marriage Tip #4
Have a positive mindset, always think positive and never think that your marriage is over. If you continue to think this your body expression will show it and it will really push your lover far away!

Learn great tips and techniques on how to save a marriage, even if you think it's too late!

Finally a guide can help you get your marriage back on track. The Magic Of Making Up has helped over 5100 couples in over 26 countries keep their relationships going. How about you become a statistic today!

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Reasons for Divorce: Divorce - Good Or Bad

It is a matter of great discussion that whether divorce is good or bad. There are groups of people who criticize the concept of divorce and another group is with the concept of divorce. Well, its a matter of debate, but there are few things which is always indefinite about divorce. Lets have a glance over situations when people opt for divorce.

Divorce is a complex situation where a couple decides to end their relation legally and sets them free from every responsibilities for each other. The situation arises when every equation of life be it physical, mental, and emotional becomes inequal for both the partners. They think that its better to end the relation rather than facing the troublesome situation for long time.

There may be several possible reasons behind divorce, some good reasons like abuse by spouse, unfaithfulness, infidelity, lack of physical pleasure, and lack of confidence between each other. There are some bad reasons also where greed or selfishness of any of the partner comes between the relation, these bad reasons can be an extramarital affair, feeling of boreness with spouse, unhappiness with the way your relation is going due to some professional, personal or financial reasons, or problem with in-laws.

No matter what is the reason behind divorce, the result is always traumatic for both people involved. In most of the cases, people understand the mistake committed by taking divorce in future. They regret the time when they took such stupid life vanishing decisions. They come to know the need, value and integrity of their spouse, only after leaving them. People with weak heart and less will power often go to a state of mental stress and trauma. In case they are having children, then life of kids are vanished in this conflict between their parents. Their childhood, innocence, studies, and part of fun in their life are spoiled for personal interests of their parents. The condition of these kids become miserable and none other than their parents are responsible for such a bad situation of kids.

So, the ill effects of a divorce influenced by personal selfishness is endless.

Reasons for Divorce: Mediation in Litigated Divorce Cases

As a certified family mediator and family attorney, I often hear this from clients in the middle of mediating a litigated family case as they're considering the latest offer from the other party, "I'll take this offer-I just want this thing to be over."

The "thing" the client wants to get rid of is the legal action.

That statement is usually followed by a comment about how the client can't take it anymore-can't take the tension and uncertainty generated by the case, the preparation for trial or depositions, and the money it is costing him or her to continue in litigation, etc.

The feeling of desperation and the hope for relief is clearly palpable in their words.

Moreover, since it's common for mediation with represented parties to be scheduled for an entire day, these feelings are made worse by mediating for an extended period of time. We all get tired from such a prolonged concentration in resolving conflicts.

As a party in a litigated case, going into mediation with this frame of mind is the worst thing you can do. Here's why:

1. Regardless of why you enter into a particular settlement agreement, you will have to live with the agreement long after your feelings of frustration and desperation have gone away.

2. This frame of mind will prevent you from evaluating the particular terms you are agreeing to, including (or especially) the disadvantages to you from entering into a particular agreement.

3. If you can't live with what you agreed to, you will end up back in court--the very place you wanted to escape by entering into a mediated settlement agreement.

It is critical that you face these feelings and deal with them prior to any mediation. It isn't a question of whether you're justified in having those feelings. It is a question of getting yourself into the best mental condition.

In part 2 of this article, you can read about how to best deal with these feelings and prepare for mediation so that you can assess the terms of any agreement you're negotiating.

© 2008 Vivian Rodriguez

Vivian Rodriguez helps parties in family disputes workout creative solutions to lessen the emotional and financial impact of expensive and long litigation. She is a Florida Supreme Court-certified family mediator offering dispute resolution services in Broward, Collier, Lee and Miami-Dade Counties, FL. Se Habla Espanol. For more information on mediation and its benefits to you and your family in your divorce or other family dispute, even before you start the legal process, visit

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Reasons for Divorce: How to Get Over a Devastating Break-up

Breaking up with someone whom you have been intertwined with in mind, body, and soul, a person who you've given your heart to and vice-versa is probably one of the most excruciating experiences a person can go through. The experience will ultimately serve you in life, but it doesn't take away the immediate pain. Several steps can be taken in order to help you get through the pain quicker so that you can move forward in life.

The first step is to accept, embrace, and feel the pain. Often, after a hard breakup many people will try to nub themselves to the pain. This is the biggest mistake a person can make. If the pain isn't embraced or accepted, if the tears are not allowed to flow, if the emotions stay locked inside, then your healing time will only take longer, and you'll find yourself developing other problems in life.

To continue, when the pain isn't embraced it can lead to feelings of bitterness, anger, addiction problems, and a variety of destructive emotions and behaviors which will prevent you from developing other healthy relationships in your lifetime. Just simply look around you, more than likely you have friends that will lend you a shoulder to cry on, and allow you to talk and verbalize how you feel.

Secondly, it's very important to always think about, and say the best things about your former love and your experience with them. Almost always that person has imparted a special gift into your life regardless of whether or not you view your experience with them as negative or positive.

Furthermore, try not to view your relationship as a failure, but more as a stepping stone in your life's journey forward. For example, you might say something comparable to, "I really appreciate having had him/her in my life, and they really helped me to grow as a person". These thoughts and words will create and surround you with very peaceful feelings.

Thirdly, it's important to just simply laugh, laugh and laugh. A hard break is nothing more than an emotional roller-coaster ride. You go from moments of being fine to moments of an emotional breakdowns. It's important that these emotions are balanced out with emotions of joy. Laughter is the best way to create moments of joy, and bring yourself into a joyous state of mind. As a result, avoid dramatic or romantic movies, and just simply stick to the comedies for a while.

In conclusion, when you're in a state of joy, it's a lot easier to accomplish the first two steps, which is accepting the pain, then thinking the best thoughts, and saying the best things. Following these steps won't take away the pain right away, but it will help you to ease the pain, and heal quicker.

A dynamic, excited and energetic individual, Mr. Jefferson Mesidor is an accomplished entrepreneur, executive, and writer with a desire to make a difference and a passion to change the world around him.

As a charismatic and inspirational speaker, Mr. Mesidor aims to evoke passion and drive into the audience that he is speaking to with the purpose of uplifting them with his words.

Mr. Mesidor draws much of his inspiration from his life experience, and has written and spoken on topics such as the following:

Self-Awareness, Realization and Spirituality
"Living Everyday with Passion"
"The Winning Edge"

Health and Wellness

"The Problem with Eating Meat"
"The Vegan Lifestyle"

"The disconnection between Canadian politics and the Canadian youth"

Social Justice Issues
"Ending Modern day slavery and human trafficking forever"

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Reasons for Divorce: Hire the Best Celebrity Divorce Lawyer

When faced with making difficult decisions in life, many individuals lose the power to think and act rationally and then they require the support and guidance of others, in order to make the right choice. A divorce is one such emotionally devastating experience, which some couples may have to face when differences between them become irreconcilable. So, in a divorce case, neither of the individuals is in a frame of mind to handle the situation alone. Hence, the services of a divorce lawyer are most crucial in such cases. Now there may be different category of lawyers and it is a tough decision to choose the best among the professionals. However, one can make a safe choice by opting for the services of a celebrity divorce lawyer, who is usually in the limelight due to his high profile cases and much information can be easily gathered about the method of working of such a lawyer.

A celebrity divorce lawyer handles the divorce cases of celebrities and therefore, it is evident that the lawyer will be well accustomed to handling high profile cases with discretion and a high level of expertise. When a professional is constantly in the limelight, his method of working improves due to the severe scrutiny that his work receives and same is the case with a celebrity divorce lawyer. So, any individual, who can afford to pay the higher charges of such a lawyer, should undoubtedly employ the professional services of a lawyer handling celebrity cases.

It is easy to get information about any celebrity divorce lawyer from the internet or even the yellow pages. A potential client should also find out about the previous track record of the lawyer and his success rate, before hiring a particular to handle his case. Also the lawyer must be contacted well in advance to ensure that he has the time and is willing to take up a particular case, as such lawyers usually have a very busy work schedule. Once a lawyer has been finalized, the client must ensure that he and his lawyer share a mutual relation of trust and all facts of the divorce case have been made known to the lawyer. The divorce lawyer will look into all aspects of the case and accordingly plan his case, keeping in mind all the legal loopholes, the strengths and weaknesses of the case and of course, the needs of his client.

A divorce often involves the settlement of various sensitive issues like financial settlements, alimony payments, division of assets and even the custody of children. A celebrity lawyer is used to dealing with such issues on a regular basis and in a discreet manner and this should be a major advantage for the client. The confidence of the lawyer in his abilities and experience in handling similar divorce cases also have a major influence on the case and hence it would be worth hiring a high profile lawyer to fight out a divorce case, and even though the associated costs would be higher, but the outcome will be worth it.

Damyel Flower is an experienced divorce lawyer. He has successfully handled many divorce cases.He gives advice to clients who are looking for Art lawyer, Divorce Lawyer NYC, Celebrity divorce lawyer and Divorce Lawyer New York. To hire services of a lawyer in New York and any legal advice visit

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Reasons for Divorce: When the Divorce is Over - What to Do Now?

A divorce can be one of the hardest situations to go through because there is such an emotional attachment between everyone that is involved. Usually in a divorce, there are many years of emotional memories that can affect the process of the divorce.

The first thing to remember when the divorce is finalized is that there is time to grieve. Grieving after a divorce can be one of the hard parts of the whole divorce. A spouse is usually your best friend, so loosing them can be a tough situation for anyone to handle. Although you may be upset about the situation, you always need to remember that you do have a life to lead. It may feel like you just want to cry but there will be a life for you after your divorce is over. Eventually you will realize that there is a whole world out there that you need to grab by the horns.

The next thing that you need to remember is that while you are in denial, life is definitely passing you by. You have to realize that, while you are upset, life isn't stopping to take care of your problems and feelings. Inevitably, you will have to face your problems head on. There is no way to avoid everything that you are going through and you need to realize that life will go on. Although it may take some time, you will get back on your feet and back into the world.

Another thing that you need to focus on is your children. A divorce, for any child, can leave a lot of emotional damage that you need to make sure that you talk to your kids about. You should take the time after the divorce is over to be open and honest with your kids about all the changes that are taking place in their lives right now. This can be a scary time for any child and you need to make sure that you set a good lead for your children to follow. You should also set up good lines of communication with your ex spouse. This will help to show your children that everyone can still be friendly with each other. Although this may not seem like one of the things on your priority list, you need to make sure that the example you set for your children is a good one.

For more information, contact the Denton Divorce Lawyers of Alexander and Associates at

Joseph Devine
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Reasons for Divorce: No-fault Divorce History

No-fault divorce is dissolution of a marriage that does not require indication of wrong-doing of either party. Both parties do not need to petition the court. The divorce can be granted with the action of only one party even if the second party objects.

The "no-fault" divorce originated in the 1970s as result of the aversion to the current system which many felt was unjust. Before the new addition, one party was forced to accuse the other of a serious fault such as adultery, abandonment, felony, etc. The second party had the ability to make similar accusations back to the preceding. The case then went before a judge where he could accept the defendant's stance or find both parties responsible for the dysfunctional state. If either of these resulted, the marriage would not be dissolved.

Because of these limitations, couples were forced to result to illegal means in order to have a divorce passed. Lawyers would commonly advice the couple to engage in "collusive adultery." In this, a plan would be made for the wife to come home and find the husband with a "mistress." The wife would then commit perjury by telling her case to the court, and the divorce would be granted.

In many states, "cruelty" was the popular generic reasoning people used to obtain a divorce. In 1950, 70 percent of San Francisco divorce cases were filed upon grounds of cruelty. California Supreme Court justice Stanley Mosk stated:

Every day, in every superior court in the state, the same melancholy charade was played: the "innocent" spouse, generally the wife, would take the stand and, to the accompanying cacophony of sobbing and nose-blowing, testify under the deft guidance of an attorney to the spousal conduct that she deemed "cruel".

The common mockery of the American justice system angered lawyers and judges. In the 1960s, critics advocated a means by which two parties could legally dissolve their marriage in a straight forward fashion. The "No-fault" divorce was established by the state of California and signed into law Governor Ronald Reagan in the Family Law Act of 1970. The law became effective on January 1, 1970. It allowed proceedings to be based on "irreconcilable differences". Today every state with the exception of New York has a type of "no-fault" divorce law by which couples can file.

To find out more information regarding filing for no-fault divorce, please consult today.

Reasons for Divorce: Who Will Get Custody of Your Children?

If you're going through a separation or a divorce, you probably have a lot of questions about child custody. Which parent will get primary custody of the children? What arrangements can you make to ensure that both parents see the children as much as they are able? Determining which parent gets the custody of the children and a workable parenting agreement takes flexibility and an in depth analysis of the current situation from both parents.

The most important thing when it comes to the custody of children is what is the best environment and situation for them. The courts will always try to look at what is in the best interest of the child.

There are several factors that the courts will use when determining which parents receives primary custody of the children. Some of these factors include the following:

Who is currently the main caretaker

Assuming both parents are viable options as custodial parents, the wishes of the parents will carry a heavy weight in the court

If the child is older than 14 years of age, he or she will probably be able to voice their choice for which parent that they wish to live with, again assuming that the parent is a viable custodian

The child's existing environment, including school and community groups

The mental and physical health of all parties involved

The interaction with the child's parents and other siblings, when applicable

While it used to be common for the mom to gain primary custody, that is changing rapidly. Fathers have begun to fight for primary custody more and more - and many are winning. While many are truly looking out for the best interest of the child, and feel they would be the better guardian, many abusive or vindictive men have used this as a means to further abuse and control their ex-wives.

Where women are retaining physical custody, it's usually through a joint custody arrangement with their ex-husband. This allows both adults the ability to spend time with the children and make important decisions in regards to each child's life.

While joint custody is the best situation for most divorces, when dealing with an irrational, vindictive or abusive ex, there are special considerations that need to be made here as well.

Whether fighting for primary custody or working out a parenting agreement with joint custody, it's imperative that you research the laws and take the offense in your child custody case. If you don't, you'll be playing defense for a long time.

To get the 9 critical strategies for winning child custody when dealing with irrational, vindictive or abusive ex's, click here:

Joan Baker is an expert in child custody after going through her own custody ordeal, researching the laws and now helping other women going through the process.

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